Here Are Just Some Of The Common Questions Our Customers Ask Us.

Can I Cancel My Subscription?

Yes you can can cancel your Subscription at any time.  MANZMAN does not hold you down to any contracted months.

How Do You Support The Website, Who Do I Ring?

For all our customers that are registered and have a Subscription plan, we provide them with an Out Of Hours contact number (usually a mobile) which they can use to contact our Support Department.

What Happens If I Have A Problem And Need To Recover?

As standard we provide a Backup Solution in case you have made a mistake or need to Back Out something you have done.  There is a charge for this, but i think you can appreciate the work that would be involved in this. 

How Long Does It Take To Create A Website?

Tricky question.  Sometimes they take a few weeks, sometimes they take a few months.  What we can say is that the important areas of  your website are taken care of within the first week, such as the Email addresses of your business, how you access your Email, how you load products, etc.  We want you up and running as soon as possible.

We usually go according to the following plan:

Once a Deposit is receieved (50% of advertised price), we then go through a consultation where we fill out a indepth questionaire about your business, what your required, timesclaes, website structures, etc.  At the end we have a review so both parties know how the work will progress.

Week 1:

Create Email addresses, create website structure (menu's, links, etc, pages, header/footer areas and logo, Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy).  At the end of Week 1 we have a review.

Week 2:

Create content pages (products or services).  Create content (about us, contact-us, Information pages, ad-hoc pages for business).  At the end of Week 2 we have another review of all the work completed and what is left.

Week 3:

These are the final changes to your website.  There is also a final review, question and answer session and final sign off for the website.

Once the final sign off has been completed.  There is a cooling off period of one month, where you can ask for any changes you require.  We are here to work with you to help your business grow and try to accomodate as many changes as possible.


Final Payment.

At Sign Off stage final payment (50% of advertised price) is required and Paypal Subscription starts for Subscription fees, dependant on wich plan was selected.

When Does My Subscription / Payment Plan Start?

This usually starts when you have 'Signed Off' your website, i.e, are happy with the end results, and your website is completed as per your requirements.

Will You Create A Logo For Me?

Yes.  We have a policy to create Logo's for all of our Customer if they do not have one already, or are lacking in their image selection.  As a rule of thumb, we generally find that Customers who have existing logo's don't usually have all the relevant additional images we require.  Such as transparrent version of their logo, a copyright version of their logo, etc.